Friday, April 17, 2015

The Spark of Adoration Poem - Her Red Hair Burns Like the Rays of the Sun

I wrote the Spark of Adoration poem for my daughter Sarah (she is the girl with the long, beautiful red hair featured in the photo below). The typed version of the poem is available in my Etsy Shop (the link is at the top of the blog). I also offer typed versions that switch blue eyes, with brown or green eyes for the redheads who don't have blue eyes.

The wonderful thing about the Spark of Adoration poem is that even though it's about love and beauty it isn't just for romantic couples. I've had men purchase the poem on Etsy to give to their girlfriend and wives but I've also had mothers and daughters buy the poem for one another and friends who purchase it as a gift for their favorite redheaded friend. Best of all I've had redheads who buy the poem for themselves!

Feel free to share this poem with your favorite redhead, as long as my name is included with the poem I don't mind you sharing!

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